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Welcome to Chenies Parish Council


The Council comprises five councillors and a Parish Clerk all of whom live in the parish.  Contact details are listed below.  The Council meets six times a year in the Sun Room at the rear of The Baptist Chapel.  Meetings take place at 8.00pm and dates of meetings are given below. 


Meetings are open and anyone wishing to attend will be most welcome, however anyone wishing to speak at a meeting will be restricted to the democratic quarter hour reserved for this purpose at the start.  Agendas for each meeting are published by the Clerk a few days beforehand and placed on the village notice board and on the website.  Draft minutes are then published a week or so following.


Of course it is not necessary to wait for a meeting to raise anything of concern with any of the councillors.


An annual Parish Meeting is also held.  In recent years this has taken place in April at the same time as the Chenies Village Society AGM.

Chenies Parish Council



Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of alternate months – January, March , May, July etc 






Chenies Parish Council’s Response to the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan Green Belt Preferred Options Consultation.




David Le Neve Foster

01923 284659


Vice Chairman

Charles Macleod Matthews

01494 762888



Martin Walker       01923 283416

Gill Leaper             01923 286236

David Martin         01923 283534


The Parish Clerk

Peter Waite

Chess Cottage, 4 Latimer Road, Chenies, WD3 4EX

01923 283439




Chenies Parish - Population 649 (ish)

Two Pubs ( One for sale !) 
Two Churches
One Manor
Many Walks
One River
One Green
One Petanque Club !
Many nice people

Welcome to Chenies Village website.

Our aim here is simply to provide villagers and visitors everything you need to know about Chenies, the village, Chenies Manor & its gardens, its people, places to visit, its history, what's going on and some of the things that make it such a special place to live and visit.

© 2014. Proudly created by the people of Chenies

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