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Chenies Community Fund


Chenies Community Fund, formally Chenies Village Hall Fund, was established in the 1940’s.The financial assets of the fund were raised by personal donations and by community fundraising.


The Chenies Community fund fully funded the following Projects (see photos of some of these probjects):

  • The planting of daffodils throughout the village

  • To mark the Queen Diamond Jubilee the Beacon on the Village Sward was constructed near the cricket club

  • We have erected 14 nest boxes for small birds within Placehouse Copse

  • The fund contributed towards the cost of the Sun Room at the Baptist Church - now regularly used by the WEA, NCT, Parish Council, Fridays youth club, Tuesday coffee break, children's parties and Monday Cherubs group for toddlers

  • Entirely funded the new village sign on the green .

  • We have funded the creation of the village website. 

Charity Finances

Do you have an idea for the Village that needs funding?


We have funds available for further projects and are looking for your ideas for projects of a capital nature that would benefit the community within Chenies.

Countess of Warwick Charity


The Countess of Warwick Charity - many residents will be aware of this Chenies Charity, which constantly requires support.

For those new to the village it was felt that brief history would be useful in increasing understanding of it and its objectives.


David le Neve Foster has kindly supplied the following brief description:

  • "To give it its full present title, The Countess of Warwick and Duke of Bedford Charity was originally established in 1603 by Anne Countess of Warwick (a sister of the Duke of Bedford) and came under the authority and direction of HM Charity Commissioners in the 19th Century with the object of making annual pension payments to each of 10 persons (up to 4 men and up to 6 women) resident in Chenies for at least 3 years before receiving such payments. Curently there are five pensioners living in the village who benefit from the Charity.

  • The five trustees are appointed by Chenies Parish Council and David Alsop is Chairman, ex officio. The pensions are made possible by investment income, which recently has been augmented by donations and fund raising.

We currently need to raise about £300 per year over and above the investment income to maintain the pensions at their present level. Alternatively we could look to raise further capital to invest to produce this level of investment income.


We are lucky in Chenies to have a close community by today's standards and to have our own charity to make a small but real difference is rather special.The Trustees are most grateful to have been invited to write this short piece to explain the background to this important Chenies charity and its role within our community".

Finances      Finances 2

Chenies Parish - Population 649 (ish)

Two Pubs ( One for sale !) 
Two Churches
One Manor
Many Walks
One River
One Green
One Petanque Club !
Many nice people

Welcome to Chenies Village website.

Our aim here is simply to provide villagers and visitors everything you need to know about Chenies, the village, Chenies Manor & its gardens, its people, places to visit, its history, what's going on and some of the things that make it such a special place to live and visit.

© 2014. Proudly created by the people of Chenies

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